Statement by Ambassador MA Zhaoxu at the Security Council Open Debate on Preventing and Countering the Financing of Terrorism

2019-03-28 12:00  Print

Madame President,

China supports the initiative of convening the open debate and welcomes Foreign Minister H.E. Mr. Le Drian to New York to preside over the meeting. China supports the adoption of the resoultion on combating the financing of terrorism and appreciates the efforts by France. I thank USG Voronkov, President Billingslea for their briefings and the statement made by Ms. Buku.

Preventing and combating the financing of terrorism is an important part of responding to the threat of terrorism and conducting international counter-terrorism cooperation. Terrorism is the common enemy of mankind. The future of all countries is a shared one, and no country can stay immune from the scourge of terrorism. In order to completely eliminate terrorism financing in the international financial system, we must enhance our awareness of community of shared future for mankind, commit to deepen international cooperation, effectively implement relevant UN and Security Council resolutions throughout the world, and effectively follow the technical standards such as those recommended by the FATF (Financial Action Task Force). China supports the international community in strengthening the fight against international terrorism in light of the trend and characteristics of terrorism financing, and would like to propose the following:

First, adhering to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and maximizing the central role of the United Nations and the Security Council. The international fight against terrorism includes preventing and combating the financing of terrorism, and must follow international law and norms governing international relations, and comply with the UN Charter and the Council resolutions.

Second, adopting multiple and simultaneous measures and integrated policies to address the symptoms as well as the root causes. Eliminating financing for terrorism requires the coordination and cooperation of political, security, economic, financial, intelligence, science and technology and various other sectors. Special commitments are to be made to eradicating the sources and breeding grounds of terrorism. Efforts should be made to assist member states in poverty reduction and alleviation, realization of sustainable development, and encourage dialogue on an equal footing and peaceful coexistence among different civilizations and religions.

Third, advancing practical cooperation in combating the financing of terrorism, and vigorously strengthening the capacity building of member states. The fight against terrorism financing involves many sectors. It involves complicated issues of technical nature. The developing countries are faced with the daunting challenges of lack of capacity in financial regulation and resources. In order to prevent influx of external risks due to weak links of any country and ensure that no country become “safe-haven” for terrorism financing, the international community should vigorously strengthen the technical assistance and capacity building for member states in a joint effort to tackle the threat of the financing of terrorism.

Fourth, unifying standards to resolutely combat all forms of terrorism and its financing. Terrorism and its financing must be resolutely fought no matter where they occur, what pretexts they use, or what countries they target at. The international community and the member states should build consensus and form synergies to effectively respond to all sources, ways and channels of the financing of terrorism. Special attention should be given to regulating the internet so as to cut off the use by terrorist organizations for proliferation and cyber financing.

Madame President,

China attaches great importance to preventing and combating the financing of terrorism. With enhanced regulatory mechanisms in combating money laundering, financing for terrorism and tax evasion as important ways for participating in global governance and furthering two-way opening of financial services, China has been deeply involved in the work of FATF and EAG (EuroAsia Group on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism). On Feb. 21, FATF Plenary Meeting reviewed and approved the 4th round Mutual Evaluation Report of China, fully recognizing the sound basis of the Chinese system in countering the financing of terrorism and its good progress of work. In 2018, China, as the rotating chairman of EAG, hosted the first EAG summit forum in advancing the international and domestic cooperation among government, financial and academic institutions.

Against a grave situation in countering the financing of terrorism and with a more stringent international standard, China will further explore a regulatory mechanism in countering the financing of terrorism based on financial intelligence, funding monitoring, shared data, a system that will meet the need of national governance. At the same time, China will actively participate in international cooperation, provide capacity building assistance to developing countries within our capabilities, and work together with all other countries in jointly eliminating the financing of terrorism, combating terrorism and maintaining world peace and tranquility.

Thank you, Madame President.