Mr. President,
The Security Council has just unanimously adopted resolution 2479 (2019), granting a four-month technical rollover of the mandate of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) and providing for an assessment of the situation in Darfur. We welcome the resolution. In recent years, the situation in Darfur has remained stable, thanks to UNAMID’s active and effective mandate implementation and the good offices of the African Union and other regional organizations. The Government of the Sudan has made active efforts to maintain peace and stability in Darfur and has played a vital role.
It is our belief that the Security Council and the international community should continue to fully respect the Government’s leadership in the Darfur issue, strengthen communication and coordination with the Sudanese Government and listen attentively to its views and suggestions so as to ensure the steady implementation of UNAMID’s transition plan and the gradual transfer of security responsibilities to Government security forces.
China has been a consistent supporter of the peace process in Darfur. It is one of the major troop contributing countries to UNAMID. Over the years, China has made robust efforts to keep Darfur peaceful and stable and build UNAMID. Together with the rest of the international community, China stands ready to continue to play a constructive role in achieving sustained peace, stability and development in Darfur.
Thank you, Mr. President.