Mr. President,
First of all, I would like to thank Special Envoy Pedersen for his briefing and commend him on his recent mediation efforts. We support his continued efforts, under resolution 2254 (2015), to facilitate a political solution to the Syrian issue.
Today I wish to focus on three points about how to promote the political process.
First, promoting the political process is the only way forward to solve the Syrian problem. The establishment of a representative constitutional committee that is accepted by all parties is the most realistic channel for the launch of a political process in Syria. In April, the Syrian parties reached an understanding in the twelfth round of the Astana talks on the decision-making mechanisms of the constitutional committee and its rules of procedure. At the same time, in terms of the establishment of the committee, there are a few outstanding issues. China supports Special Envoy Pedersen’s efforts in this regard to continue mediation and maintain close communication with all parties. We also support the continued role of the Astana process.
Secondly, a sustainable political process requires a secure and stable external environment. China supports strengthened cooperation between Russia and Turkey with the aim of continuing the implementation of their memorandum of understanding on Idlib. The scourge of terrorism poses a major threat to the political process and could lead to irreversible consequences for the process and the future of the country. The international community should, in accordance with the relevant Council resolutions and international law, harmonize its standards and crack down resolutely on all terrorist groups.
Thirdly, the future and destiny of Syria ultimately lie in the hands of the Syrian people. In promoting a political solution, we should abide by the Syrian-led, Syrian-owned principle, and the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Syria must be fully respected.
China is ready to work with the Security Council to enhance our support for the efforts of the United Nations to facilitate gradual progress in the Syrian political process.
Thank you, Mr. President.