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Wang Yi: let those who attempt to deny aggression and distort history have nowhere to hide

2014-09-27 04:56

On September 27, 2014, Foreign Minister Wang Yi made a statement at the General Debate of the 69th Session of the UN General Assembly. He said that China welcomes the inclusion of “the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War” on the agenda of the current session of the UN General Assembly.

Wang Yi pointed out that next year marks the 70th anniversary of the victory of the world anti-Fascist war, the founding of the UN, and the victory of the Chinese People’s War Against Japanese Aggression. It is a year of special historic significance. Remembering the past makes people cherish peace, and recalling history will guide us in embracing the future.

Wang Yi said that looking back on what happened 70 years ago, the historical facts are perfectly clear, and a final verdict has already been pronounced on what was right and what was wrong. History is not to be falsified, and truth is not to be distorted. Today, 70 years later, let us jointly uphold human justice and conscience so that those who attempt to deny aggression and distort history will have nowhere to hide. Let us jointly defend the UN Charter and the outcomes of the Second World War so that the vision for a world free of war and with lasting peace will strike deep roots in our hearts and pass from one generation to another.

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