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President Jiang Zemin Expressed Condolences to President Bush

2001-09-11 00:00
At midnight on September 11, President Jiang Zemin conveyed a message to U.S. President George W. Bush in which Jiang expressed sympathy to him and to the U.S. government and people for the disastrous attacks against the  U.S. The following is the full text:
President George W. Bush
White House
Washington D.C.

Mr. President,

I am greatly shocked by the severe attacks on New York and the Washington D.C. on 11 September, which has caused huge human casualties and wound. On behalf of the Chinese Government and people, I wish to express to you and, through you, to the U.S. Government and people our deep sympathy and condolences to the families of the victims. The Chinese Government condemns and opposes, as always, all violent activities by terrorism.

Jiang Zemin
President of the People's Republic of China  
11 September 2001, Beijing
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