中国科技通讯(NEWSLETTER)No.3 | |
2012-12-29 04:10 | |
CHINA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY NEWSLETTER Department of International Cooperation No.3 Ministry of Science and Technology(MOST),P.R.China November 2012
Hu sees major role for science
President Hu Jintao focused on sectors that will play a major role in science and technology during a keynote speech in Tianjin on Tuesday to the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World. The academy, based in Italy, changed its name in 2004 from Third World Academy of Sciences. It is an umbrella organization for leaders in the science and technology field in developing countries. Hu, in his address to the academy, highlighted the breakthrough potential for prime research fields, including biology, energy and space technology. Hu pointed out that in 2006 China published a science and technology development plan plotting strategy up to 2020. This listed projects that will ensure China plays a leading role in the sector. China still faces challenges, especially in sustainability and tackling income disparity and that is why the economic development pattern must change. The targeted technologies will help in this endeavor. Cooperation with other developing countries was extremely valued, particularly in dealing with common problems such as the prevention of infectious diseases.
(Source: China Daily)
Targets in the 12th Five-Year Plan Period
Ø By 2015, the country's energy consumption per 10,000 yuan of the GDP will be reduced to 0.869 tons of coal equivalent (based on prices in 2005), which is 16 percent lower than the 1.034 tons of coal equivalent in 2010 and 32 percent lower than the 1.276 tons of coal equivalent in 2005. In the 12th Five-Year Plan period, 670 million tons of coal equivalent of energy will be saved. Ø In 2015, the country's chemical oxygen demand and emissions of carbon dioxide will be controlled at 23.48 million tons and 20.86 million tons, respectively, 8 percent lower than the 25.52 million tons and 22.68 million tons in 2010. Ø Emissions of ammoniacal nitrogen and nitrogen oxides will be controlled at 2.38 million tons and 20.46 million tons respectively, which are 10 percent lower than the 2.64 million tons and 22.74 million tons in 2010. (Source: 12th Five-Year Plan on Energy Saving and Emission Reduction)
Progress made in the 11th Five-Year Plan Period Ø The energy consumption elasticity coefficient dropped to 0.59 from 1.04 in the 10th Five-Year Plan (2001-05) period, saving energy of 630 million tons of coal equivalent. Ø Emissions of carbon dioxide were reduced by 1.46 billion tons. (Source: 12th Five-Year Plan on Energy Saving and Emission Reduction)
R&D Targets
China aims to become a world technological power by 2049 and strives to be a leading nation in innovation and scientific development, according to a government document released on September 23,2012. The Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council, the nation’s cabinet, released the document to give opinions on “deepening technological system reform and accelerating national innovation system construction.” The document sets the goal for the country to be “in the ranks of innovative nations” by 2020. China’s R&D funds nationwide should reach 2.2 percent of GDP during the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-15) period, and more than 2.5 percent by 2020, it says. The document also pledges that the nation’s technological plan will be more open to the outside world in terms of cooperation, and international academic institutions and multinational companies are encouraged to set up R&D centers in the country. (Source: Beijing Review)
科技部提出了《促进国家高新区发展若干意见》。近日在科技部举行了有教育部、财政部、国土资源部、住建部、税务总局等12个部门分管领导参加的、讨论《若干意见》的座谈会。科技部高新司副司长胡世辉对《意见》起草工作做了说明。各部门参会代表对《意见》所提各项政策给予了高度评价,认为其必将对指导各高新区建设和促进地方经济发展发挥积极作用。 《国家高新区若干意见》是科技部为落实《国务院关于发挥科技支撑作用促进经济平稳较快发展的意见》提出的“要发挥国家高新区在引领高新技术产业发展、支撑地方经济增长中的集聚、辐射和带动作用”的要求,进一步推动新形势下国家高新区的建设发展而组织起草的。 (来源
近期,经国务院批准,17家省级高新区升级为国家高新区,国家高新区总数达到105家。 这17家新升级国家高新区是:吉林长春净月高新区、浙江温州高新区、湖南衡阳高新区、四川乐山高新区、福建莆田高新区、山东泰安高新区、河南新乡高新区、云南玉溪高新区、陕西榆林高新区、辽宁本溪高新区、河北承德高新区、安徽马鞍山慈湖高新区、江苏徐州高新区、湖北孝感高新区、江西鹰潭高新区、江苏常州武进高新区、陕西咸阳高新区。 (来源
为进一步贯彻落实《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要(2006-2020年)》,加快推进宽带网络技术创新和产业发展,科技部编制了《国家宽带网络科技发展“十二五”专项规划》。 规划指出按照《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要(2006-2020年)》确定的发展重点和《国务院关于加快培育和发展战略性新兴产业的决定》,实施宽带网络创新引领战略,以知识创新、技术创新带动宽带网络产业创新发展为着力点,面向国家重大需求,加快推动宽带网络关键技术、核心部件和成套设备整体创新,大幅提高宽带网络产业核心竞争力,确保我国在宽带网络技术重大变革中与世界同步,有效支撑国家宽带网络基础设施建设,促进三网融合全面推广,实现我国信息网络及其业务应用的跨越发展。 (来源
A Treasure Trove of Resources China will accelerate shale gas industrialization to meet the nation's energy demand
Staff members of Sinopec work on the shale gas exploration well in Qiaotouhe Town, Lianyuan, Hunan Province, on January 7 Looking to satisfy its growing fuel demands, China is turning to shale gas, natural gas trapped within rock formations. "China has huge reserves of shale gas. If successful industrialized production is realized, it would significantly ease the nation's energy strain," said Li Shousheng, deputy head of the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation. China has about 20 percent of the world's total shale gas reserves, the largest in the world, according to a report published by the Ministry of Land and Resources (MLR) on July 23. The top five countries with the largest minable shale gas reserves are China, the United States, Argentina, Mexico and South Africa. China's interest in shale gas exploration is increasing with an estimated output of 6.5 billion cubic meters expected by 2015. From 2016 to 2020, the country will enter a fast-growth period in shale gas exploration and development, Liu Tienan, head of the National Energy Administration, said. Shale gas is formed by gas trapped within shale formations. With methane as its main ingredient, it is a clean and efficient source of energy. The gas is collected through a complicated process called hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. The gas has become an increasingly important source of natural gas and may transform the world's future energy outlook. (Source: Beijing Review)
9月11日上午,我国第一台全部采用国产CPU和国产基础软件构造的千万亿次超级计算机系统——“神威蓝光千万亿次高效能计算机系统研制”(下称神威蓝光)在济南通过专家验收。以航天科工集团李伯虎院士为组长,包括航天771所沈绪榜院士在内的专家组认为,作为国家863计划信息技术领域“高效能计算机及网格服务环境”重大项目,“神威蓝光”在高密度组装技术、全系统水冷技术等方面具有世界先进水平。 据了解,该课题由国家并行计算机工程技术研究中心联合山东省科学院、浪潮(北京)电子信息产业有限公司、国家超级计算济南中心共同承担。 “神威蓝光”具备四大亮点:一是全部采用国产CPU,是我国历史上首台全部采用国产CPU的千万亿次超级计算机;二是稳定性较好,测试Linpack全过程9个多小时无故障;三是让外国专家感到“吃惊”的水冷系统——通过水在冷板内部的封闭水循环带走主板热量,几乎不损耗水且无噪音,先进环保;四是高密度封装,一个机仓可装入1024个CPU,千万亿次规模仅需要9个这样的机仓就可以轻松实现。 (来源:科技日报)
我国新能源汽车产业突飞猛进 “十一五”863计划节能与新能源汽车重大项目通过验收
9月14日,科技部在北京组织召开“十一五”863计划节能与新能源汽车重大项目验收会。全国政协副主席、科技部部长万钢出席验收会。科技部、工业和信息化部、财政部、国家标准委等部门以及地方科技部门、“十城千辆“示范城市、研究机构、整车和电池企业代表等参加了会议。 5年来,围绕该项目的各项内容要求,我国新能源汽车产业在政、产、学、研等各方共同努力下,取得了突飞猛进的发展——按照“三纵三横”的研发布局,在节能与新能源汽车关键零部件、动力系统、整车集成、测试平台、示范推广以及标准政策研究等方面安排课题270项,以整车集成为载体、动力系统为核心,重点突破关键零部件瓶颈技术,支撑产业化示范推广。项目投入经费包括地方和企业在内总计超过75亿元,其中国拨总经费11.6亿元。国内整车及零部件企业、研究机构、大学院校等432家单位1.46万科技人员参与研发工作,构建了我国电动汽车产学研联合研发创新体系。 “十一五”期间,我国新能源汽车产业攻克了一大批节能与新能源汽车关键技术,已有各类新能源汽车350余款进入国家汽车公告目录,在25个示范城市有超过1.9万辆自主研发的电动汽车产品产业化推广;制定电动汽车国家和行业标准59项;建成15个国家重点试验室和工程技术研究中心,形成电动汽车研发平台48个;累计申请专利2011项,其中,发明专利1015项。 (来源:科技日报)
Sino-German: New cooperation fields
As green energy is an inevitable trend of the future, China has also increased input in the field in recent years and made much progress. In fact, China and Germany have the potential to complement each other in clean and renewable energy. Germany has a technical advantage while China's labor cost is relatively competitive. The large demand for new energy products in China also provides German products with a huge potential market. The two sides might also pursue cooperation in environmental protection, high technology transfer as well as energy security. ACROSS THE AISLE: Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have a chat aboard the 100th Airbus 320 airplane, which was recently completed in a Tianjin assembly plant, on August 31, 2012
(Source: Beijing Review)
CAS Head Goes Global
Bai Chunli, President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), was elected President of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World, formerly the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), at the General Meeting of the Academy held in north China's Tianjin on September 18, becoming the first Chinese scientist to assume the post. Bai will take office on January 1, 2013. The TWAS was established in 1983. It is a non-governmental, non-political and non-profit international science organization sponsored by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. It holds an academician conference each year and an academic conference every two to three years. Currently, it attracts nearly 1,000 academicians from 90 countries and regions. Bai, an expert on nanotechnology, has been engaged in the research of his field since the mid-1980s and has made significant achievements. (Source: Beijing Review)
国际科技合作基地简介(二): 中国热带农业科学院
中国热带农业科学院创建于1954年,是中国科技部批准的国际科技合作基地之一。它隶属于中国农业部并专门从事热带农业研究和开发的国家级科研机构。设有14个研究所(站、中心),分布在海南省和广东省,拥有国家工程技术研究中心、国家重点实验室培育基地、农业部重点开发实验室等30多个科技研发平台和1个博士后科研工作站。现有在职职工3000多人,其中从事科研工作的有2000多人,高级研究人员近300多人。 该院的热带农业科学研究在国内外享有较高的知名度。特别在木薯、橡胶、香蕉等热带作物的基础性研究方面,部分研究成果处于国际领先水平。在应用研究方面,取得了科技成果900多项,其中包括国家发明一等奖、国家科技进步一等奖在内的国家级奖励近40项,部、省级奖励300多项,开发科技产品174个品种,获得专利68项。 该院按照“立足海南、面向热区、走向世界”的思路,正在创建世界一流的热带农业科技中心而努力奋斗。 联系人:中国热带农业科学院国际合作处 蒋昌顺 电话:+86 898 66962940 传真:+86 898 66962941 邮箱
The 3rd International Symposium on Rare Earth Resource Utilization (ISRERU-3) and the 3rd Special Symposium on Advances in Functional Materials (AFM-3) Organizers: Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences Date: December 9-12, 2012 Contact person: Ai Deyan Phone: +86 431 85262814 E-mail: (Source: Chinese Academy of Sciences) |