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西 藏 百 题 问 答

2008-04-11 00:00


一、 西藏是中国不可分割的一部分

1. 在一些出版物中,常常可以看到有“西藏”、“藏区”及“西藏和其他藏区”的提法,这些提法有什么不同?历史上是否存在统一的大藏区?

2. 称“西藏自古以来就是中国领土不可分割的一部分”有历史证据吗?

3. 有人认为西藏是“被占领的国家”。请问,西藏在中华人民共和国成立之前一直是个独立的国家吗?

4. “西藏独立”的说法是怎么提出来的?

5. “西姆拉会议”及《西姆拉条约》是否具有合法性?

6. 有些流亡在外国的西藏人说“我们有自己的国旗、自己的军队、自己的货币,西藏是名符其实的独立国家”,这究竟是怎么回事?

7. 英国外交部发表的2000年《人权报告》宣称,“英国是唯一不承认中国对西藏拥有主权的国家”。这到底是怎么一回事?

8. 《关于和平解放西藏办法的协议》是如何签订的?主要内容是什么?当时西藏各界人士支持这份协议吗?

9. 达赖喇嘛当时对《关于和平解放西藏办法的协议》持何态度?

10. 达赖及他的所谓“流亡政府”是怎样进行分裂活动的?

11. 中国是否可以在西藏实行“一国两制”?或者通过“全民公决”来决定西藏的地位?


二、 西藏的民主改革和民族区域自治制度

12. 达赖统治下的旧西藏实行的是一种什么样的社会制度?旧西藏是最后一个“香格里拉”吗?

13. 1959年西藏为什么要实行民主改革,它对西藏人民有什么好处?

14. 民族区域自治制度在西藏是如何贯彻实施的?

15. 西藏实行民族区域自治,有权制定和实施地方性法规吗?

16. 西藏的藏族干部能否行使参与管理国家和地方事务的权利?


三、 西藏的经济发展、人民生活与环境保护

17. 民主改革以来西藏经济有怎样的发展?

18. 中央政府对西藏的发展给予什么样的优惠政策?

19. 西藏人民的日常经济生活状况如何?

20. 达赖所谓“中国政府从西藏得到的比给的多”的说法是不是事实?

21. 达赖所谓“西部大开发将导致西藏大规模的殖民化并破坏西藏的生态环境”的说法有根据吗?

22. 制约西藏经济发展的因素主要有哪些?

23. 西藏的现代工业是从什么时候起步的?

24. 西藏如何改善公路交通落后状况?

25. 为何要在西藏建世界上最高最长的高原铁路?

26. 西藏是否具有现代化的邮电通讯能力?

27. 中央政府支援西藏的62项工程主要解决了什么问题?

28. “一江两河”农业综合开发工程的目标是什么?

29. 西藏实施哪些环境保护法规?

30. 西藏目前有多少个自然保护区?

31. 西藏第一个列入《世界遗产名录》的布达拉宫有何特色?

32. 国外有些人指责中国政府在西藏进行核试验;在西藏进行的水电工程及其他开发严重破坏了西藏的环境;圣湖的水被抽干;所建建筑违反藏族传统;树木遭到大量滥伐。真有此事吗,请解释。

33. 高原生态环境十分脆弱,西藏采取何种措施控制环境污染?

34. 什么是“天保工程”?

35. 新世纪,面对西部大开发战略,以及对资源的需求量增加,政府将有何种有效的环保措施出台?

36. 西藏有无长远的生态建设规划?

37. 西藏已启动的两个最大生态环境建设项目的内容是什么?

38. 西藏如何利用高原的“阳光优势”提高人民生活质量和保护环境?

39. 在西部大开发的过程中,西藏的战略重点是什么?

40. 2000年西藏经济发展速度如何?

41. 西藏今后50年的发展目标是什么?

42. 西藏对内对外开放政策将出现哪些转变?

43. 西藏外贸进出口情况如何?

44. 西藏是否建立了适应外商需求的国际通行外贸运行体制?

45. 西藏自治区在哪些行业希望与国外合资合作?

46. 西藏招商引资工作进展如何?

47. 西藏正在实施哪些国际援助项目?

48. 西藏制定了哪些外商投资优惠政策?

49. 西藏能够提供哪些政府涉外服务?

50. 外国客商如何对西藏商务情况进行咨询?

51. 外商如何在西藏申办投资项目?

52. 外商投资申请立项应提交哪些文件?

53. 在西藏自治区进行企业登记应提交哪些文件?



四、 西藏的人口、医疗、文化、教育和旅游

54. 近10年中西藏人口状况发生了什么变化?

55. 达赖说,中国政府有计划地向西藏大规模移民,使得藏族已在西藏成为少数民族,是不是事实?

56. 达赖说“西藏和平解放后,有120万藏民被杀”,真的是这样吗?

57. 有人说,中国政府强制西藏妇女绝育和堕胎,情况究竟是怎样的?

58. 西藏自治区民族构成、民族习俗情况如何?

59. 西藏的医疗卫生状况如何?人民的健康权利有没有保障?

60. 传统藏学有哪些发展和创新?

61. 藏医学究竟是怎样一种医学理论?

62. 藏药都有哪些是当地名贵药种?

63. 西藏古代文学艺术的成就主要有哪些?

64. 《格萨尔》是一部什么样的书?

65. 1951年,中国中央政府与西藏地方政府签订的协议中提出逐步发展西藏的学校教育,现在情况怎么样?

66. 在西藏,藏语文的学习和使用是否会受到限制?

67. 有人说,汉族人正大量涌入西藏,中国正在有组织地摧毁西藏文化,达赖喇嘛亦称“西藏文化正面临毁灭”,是这样吗?

68. 保护西藏地区的文物古迹都做了哪些工作?

69. 中国为保护西藏文化遗产做了哪些努力?

70. 中国的藏学研究有何进展?

71. 藏文《大藏经》为什么要出对勘本?

72. 西藏人民现时文化生活状况如何?

73. 地处高原腹地,西藏人能否了解到最新、最快捷的信息?

74. 第六届全国民族运动会及拉萨分会场的情况如何?

75. 西藏有哪些名胜古迹?

76. 藏族都有哪些重大的节日?

77. 藏族人有什么风俗习惯和禁忌?

78. 外国人士赴西藏访问和考察需要办理何种手续?

79. 去西藏可以选择哪几条交通路线?

80. 西藏境内旅游景点分散甚至僻远,如何解决交通问题?

81. 到西藏旅游需要注意哪些问题,做哪些准备?

82. 目前,西藏推出的旅游线路有哪些?接待能力怎样?


五、 西藏的宗教信仰与人权

83. 西藏所有人都信奉藏传佛教吗?

84. 藏传佛教有什么特点?

85. 有人说,中国政府不尊重和保护西藏各教派的宗教活动,是这样的吗?

86. 西藏主要寺庙有哪些?

87. 在西藏,人民群众的宗教信仰自由权利是否得到尊重和保护?

88. 在西藏存在寺庙限制喇嘛、尼姑的事情吗?

89. 什么是藏传佛教的活佛转世制度?

90. 中国政府为何否认达赖指定的“班禅转世灵童”?是谁违反了藏传佛教的宗教仪轨?

91. 达赖喇嘛和班禅额尔德尼两大活佛系统是怎么形成的?

92. 如何评价西藏的人权状况?

93. 境外藏胞有多少人?

94. 对旅居国外的藏民,中国政府是否允许他们自由返回?


六、 中国中央政府对达赖的政策

95. 达赖在国外获得了“诺贝尔和平奖”,有人还称他为“人权卫士”、“非暴力主义者”,对此有何看法?

96. 中国政府对达赖“不使用暴力”的说法怎么看?

97. 中国中央政府与达赖接触商谈问题的政策是什么?

98. 为什么中国中央政府同达赖喇嘛的接触商谈至今没有取得明显进展?

99. 达赖喇嘛目前受到一些外国政府和官方人士的接待。中国政府对此持何种态度?

100. 今天的普通拉萨市民怎么看待达赖喇嘛?

100 Questions & Answers about China's Tibet 

I. Tbiet is an Inalienable Part of China's Territory

1. What are the differences between the terms "Tibet," "Tibetan areas" and "Tibet and other Tibetan areas" that often appear in certain publications? Did there once exist in history a great unified Tibetan area?

2. Are there any historical facts providing supporting evidence that Tibet has long been an inseparable part of China?

3. Some people hold that Tibet is an "occupied country." Was Tibet an independent country before the founding of the people's Republic of China?

4. How did the so-called "Tibet independence" come into being?

5. Are the "Simla Conference" and "Simla Convention" legal?

6. Some self-exiled Tibetans claim, "We have our own national flag, army and currency. Tibet is worthy of the name of an independent country." What are the facts?

7. The 2000 Report on Human Rights published by the British Foreign Ministry claims that "Britain is the only country that does not recognize China's sovereignty over Tibet." What are the facts?

8. How was the Agreement on measures for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet signed? What are its main contents? Did people from all walks of life in Tibet sup-port this agreement?

9. What was the Dalai Lama's attitude towards the Agreement on Measures for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet at that time?

10. How did the Dalai Lama and his "government-exile" perpetrate their separatist activities?

11. Can China practice the policy of "one country, two systems" in Tibet? Or determine the status of Tibet through "plebiscite"?



II. Democratic Reform and Regional Ethnic Autonomy in Tibet

12. What kind of social system was in force under the Dalai Lama in old Tibet? Was the old Tibet really the last "Shangri-La"?

13. Why was the Democratic Reform implemented in 1959? How did it benefit the Tibetan people?

14. How was the regional ethnic autonomy implemented in Tibet?

15. Does Tibet Autonomous region have the right to formulate and implement local regulations?

16. Can Tibetan cadres in Tibet exercise their rights to participate in administration of national and regional affairs?



III. Economic Development, People's Livelihood, and Environmental Protection in Tibet

17. What changes have occurred in Tibet's economic development since the Democratic Reform?

18. What favorable policies have been implemented in Tibet by the Central Government?

19. What are the daily economic and living conditions of the Tibetan people?

20. According to the Dalai Clique, "The Chinese Central Government has gained more from Tibet than what it has given." Is this true?

21. Will, as asserted by the Dalai Lama, the western development policy lead to the colonization of Tibet and deterioration of its ecological environment?

22. What are the main factors that restrict economic development in Tibet?

23. When was the onset of modern industries in Tibet?

24. How can Tibet improve its highway transportation?

25. Why construct the world's longest plateau railway in Tibet?

26. Is Tibet equipped with modern postal and telecommunications facilities?

27. What problems have been resolved by the 62 aid-Tibet projects initiated by the Central Government?

28. What are the goals of the 'Yi Jiang Liang He' agricultural comprehensive development project?

29. What laws and regulations concerning environmental protection are enforced in Tibet?

30. How many nature reserves are there in Tibet?

31. Would you please give some background information on the Potala Palace, the first world heritage site in Tibet designated by UNESCO?

32. The Chinese government has been criticized for carrying out nuclear testing in Tibet, for damaging the local environment by its construction of water and electricity projects, and for draining the water from Holy lake. It has also come under fire for construction of buildings that are said to violate Tibetan traditions, and for excessive tree felling. Do these criticisms have any foundation?

33. The ecological environment on plateau is very fragile. What measures has Tibet taken to control environmental pollution?

34. What is the "Natural Forest Protection Project"?

35. In the new century, facing the western development and increasing energy demands, what effective environmental protection measures will the government promote?

36. Does Tibet have a long-term ecological environment construction plan?

37. What is the content of the two largest ecological environment construction projects already started in Tibet?

38. How will Tibet make use of solar energy to raise people's living standard and protect the environment?

39. What are the most important strategic points for Tibet in the process of western development?

40. What was the growth rate of Tibet's economy in 2000?

41. What are the development goals for the coming 50 years in Tibet?

42. What will be the changes in Tibet's policy of opening up to domestic and overseas markets?

43. How are Tibet's import and export sector going?

44. has Tibet established a foreign trade system compatible with international norms?

45. In which sectors is foreign investment expected in Tibet?

46. How is investment invitation work going in Tibet?

47. What international aid projects have been undertaken in Tibet?

48. What preferential policies does Tibet Autonomous Region offer to enterprises with foreign investment?

49. What foreign services can the local government of Tibet provide?

50. Where can foreign investors consult on Tibet's business affairs?

51. How can foreign investors apply for the establishment o investment projects in Tibet?

52. What documentation is required when applying for foreign investment projects?

53. What documentation is required for enterprise registration in Tibet?



IV. Population, Health, Culture, Education and Tourism in Tibet

54. What demographic changes have taken place in Tibet over the past decade?

55. The Dalai Lama states that the Chinese government has instigated mass emigration to Tibet in a bid to make the Tibetan people living in Tibet an ethnic minority. Is this true?

56. Is it true that, as declared by the Dalai Lama, 1.2 million Tibetan people were killed after the peaceful liberation of Tibet?

57. Is it true that the Chinese government forces sterilization and abortion on Tibetan women?

58. How many ethnic groups are there in Tibet, and what are their customs?

59. What is the medical and health situation in Tibet?

60. What are the developments and innovation in traditional Tibetan medicine?

61. What are the main theories of Tibetan medicine?

62. What are the famous Tibetan medicines?

63. What is distinctive about Tibet's ancient literature and arts?

64. What kind of a book is Gesar?

65. According to the agreement reached in 1951 between the central government and the local government of Tibet, the school education of Tibet would steadily develop. How has this development progressed up to now?

66. Is there any restriction on the study and use of the Tibetan language in Tibet?

67. It is said that large numbers of Han Chinese are pouring into Tibet, and that China is systematically destroying Tibetan culture. The Dalai Lama also claims that "Tibetan culture is facing destruction." Is that true?

68. What has been done to protect cultural relics in Tibet?

69. What efforts has China made to protect Tibet's cultural heritage?

70. How is China doing on Tibetology research?

71. Why was a collated Tibetan Tripitaka published?

72. How is the cultural life of the Tibetan people?

73. Living on the plateau, do Tibetan people have access to the latest news and information?

74. What is the background to the Sixth National Minorities Traditional Games and its subvenue in Lhasa?

75. What historical and scenic sites are there to see in Tibet?

76. What are the important Tibetan festivals?

77. What are the folk customs and taboos of the Tibetan people?

78. What procedures do foreigners go through to visit Tibet?

79. What are the routes for traveling to Tibet?

80. Tourist spots in Tibet are sparsely distributed and out of way. How does one get over the transportation problem?

81. What should one know about and prepare for traveling to Tibet?

82. What tour routes are now available for Tibet? What is the accommodation capacity of Tibet?


V. Religious Beliefs and Human Rights in Tibet

83. Are all Tibetans Buddhists?

84. What are the main characteristics of Tibetan Buddhism?

85. Some people claim that the Chinese government does not respect or protect the religious activities of various religious sects in Tibet. Is this true?

86. What are the main monasteries in Tibet?

87. Are Tibetans' rights of freedom of religious belief respected and protected in Tibet?

88. Are there any restrictions in monasteries for local inhabitants to become lamas and nuns in Tibet?

89. What is the reincarnation system of the Living Buddhas in Tibetan Buddhism?

90. Why did the Chinese government reject the reincarnated soul boy of the 10th Panchen Lama chosen by the Dalai Lama? Who was it exactly the violated the rituals of Tibetan Buddhism?

91. How did the titles Dalai and Panchen come into being?

92. What is the situation regarding human rights in Tibet?

93. How many Tibetan compatriots are there in foreign countries?

94. What are the policies of the Chinese government regarding Tibetan compatriots residing abroad? Are they allowed to come and go freely?


VI. Policies of China's Central Government toward the Dalai Lama

95. The Dalai Lama was awarded the "Nobel Peace Prize" abroad, and some people call him "guardian of human rights" and "advocator of non-violence." How would you comment on this?

96. What is the central government's view on the Dalai's "nonviolence"?

97. What policies does the Chinese government have towards the Dalai Lama regarding contacts and negotiations?

98. Why have the negotiations between the central government and the Dalai Lama made so little progress?

99. At present, the Dalai Lama is received by certain foreign governments and officials. What is the attitude of the central government towards this?

100. What is the viewpoint of ordinary Lhasa inhabitants regarding the Dalai Lama?

