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Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at Security Council Ministerial Open Debate on Peacekeeping and UN Transitions

2021-09-08 15:30

Mr. President,

China welcomes Ireland’s initiative to hold this meeting and we thank Secretary-General Guterres and Her Excellency Sirleaf for their briefings. I have also listened carefully to the statement of Ms. Adam.

Peacekeeping operations (PKOs) are important means for the UN to maintain international peace and security. Appropriately formulated and effectively implemented transitions strategy is the key to the success of PKOs. It is also a common topic that requires Council members to take stock of lessons learned and continuously improve.

We must optimize the overall planning of PKOs. PKOs should always follow the political goals, and on the basis of the evolution of the situation, make timely adjustments in terms of the scope of mandates and prioritization. Protection of civilians, protection of human rights and transitional justice are all means to serve the political process. They cannot replace the political process itself. The Security Council, at the early stage of peacekeeping deployment, should incorporate relevant ideas of peacebuilding, and strive to lay the foundations for the long-term peace and stability in the countries concerned. As the situation gradually stabilizes, a clear and feasible exit strategy needs to be formulated as this is an important element in promoting a smooth transition. In this connection, the UN has success story in Timor-Leste, Sierra Leone, Cote d'Ivoire and Liberia. We should make good use of such positive experiences and proactively promote their application.

Madam President,

We must focus on supporting the countries concerned in nation building as the top priority. Countries emerging from conflicts see their infrastructure in ruins. The transition from peacekeeping to peacebuilding is the key to national reconstruction. This is primarily the responsibility of the countries concerned. But post-conflict countries, due to their vulnerability and fragility, are hardly capable of independent development during this transitional phase. The UN and the international community shoulder the responsibility to provide targeted support to these countries to as to build and improve their self-driven development capacity. It should be emphasized that political and social stability hinges on the steady economic development. In the transition strategy of PKOs, priority should be given to key sectors such as infrastructure, agriculture, resources utilization, accessibility of education and poverty eradication, among others, as these are all important conditions for the long-term peace and stability of the country. What transpired recently in Afghanistan is proof that the “democratic transformation” imposed from the outside will inevitably end in failure. The international community and the UN should identify lessons learned and continue to provide effective and strong support to post-conflict countries such as Afghanistan in their reconstruction efforts.

We must persist in the formulation of transition strategies that are in line with local conditions. Post-conflict transition involves the rebuilding of state institutions, national reconciliation, security sector reform, etc. These are all related to national sovereignty and cannot be separated from the specific political, economic and cultural conditions of countries concerned. In designing the transition plan of the UN PKOs, we should fully heed and respect the wishes of the country so as to ensure convergence and complementarity with the national development strategies and priorities independently formulated and determined by the countries themselves. It is also essential to make timely adjustments in light of the evolving situation on the ground in these countries. The UN has organized and dispatched in the last 30 years several missions in Haiti and made significant investment there. Yet a large number of problems pertaining to state governance still remain in Haiti, which is disappointing. The existing model for Haiti is unsustainable the Haitian government should shoulder the responsibilities and tackle these problems independently.

Madam President,

For many years, China has actively supported the reconstruction and development of post-conflict countries, especially developing countries, and provided support in the fields of economic development, education, house and infrastructure, focusing on helping them improve their independent development capacity and achieve a greater degree of self-reliance and self-efficiency. The China-UN Peace and Development Fund has actively supported relevant countries in undertaking cooperation projects in counter-terrorism, peacekeeping, good offices and mediation, and sustainable development. China stands ready to work with the international community to continue its positive contribution in helping post-conflict countries achieve lasting peace and sustainable development.

Thank you, Madam President.

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