Statement by H.E.Ambassador Wang Min,Deputy Permanent Representative of the People's Republic of China,to the United Nations at 2011 Annual Session,Executive Board of UN-Women

2011-06-28 03:00  Print


(27 June 2011,New York)

Ms. President,

The Chinese delegation would like to thank Ms.Bachelet, Executive Director of UN-

Women,for her presentation on Strategic Plan,2011-2013,as well as the Secretariat of UN-Women for their hard work in preparation for the Plan.


At present, the global economic,financial,energy and food crises and climate change have exerted huge impact on gender equality and women's empowerment. In developing countries,in particular, women are faced with many difficulties in employment, education and medical care.Their participation in political affairs and eradication of domestic violence are also fraught with challenges.UN-Women should bear in mind those urgent issues women are encountered in their endeavors for equality and empowerment, and provide support and assistance around the world according to actual conditions of different places.

Since its establishment, UN-Women has,under the leadership of Executive Director Ms.Bachelet,faced up to the challenges,and carried out effective work.The Executive Board has formulated its rules and regulations step by step.The Chinese delegation would like to express its appreciation in this regard.


The Strategic Plan,2011-2013,has built on the experiences of UN agencies in the field of gender equality over the years after full consultation with relevant partners.It is substantive and comprehensive.As the first strategic plan of UN-Women,it will play an important role in future work of UN in gender equality and women's empowerment.

China supports the priorities of UN-Women as laid out by the Plan,and wishes to stress the following:

First, in terms of field offices,the principle of national ownership and leadership should be followed.China is of the view that field offices should only be set up or strengthened at the request of recipient countries, in full respect of the national conditions and demands of recipient countries.China appreciates that the Plan incorporates the principle of"national ownership" and emphasizes that there is no "one-size-fits-all" approach to development and development assistance.

Second,women issues should be treated in a comprehensive and equal manner. Women's equality and empowerment is not only an issue of human rights, but more an issue of development. Human rights should be viewed from the perspective of development, rather than simply viewing development and gender issues through the prism of human rights.Discrimination and violence against women exist everywhere in the world.UN-Women should attach equal importance to women's issues all over the world,rather than concentrating only on developing countries.Its field activities in developing countries should be aimed at achieving MDGs,and effectively increasing its support and assistance to developing countries.

Third,in its formulation and implementation of various indicators and outputs,the actual situation at international and national levels should be fully considered.China is of the view that, in implementing those indicators and out pus set forth in the Plan,UN-Women should take into account of relevant development stages,national conditions and needs of Member States,and adopt an incremental approach based on extensive research and study.

Fourth,in fund and human resources allocation,the principles of openness,transparency and equitable geographical distribution should be followed.Implementation of the Strategic Plan involves expansion of field offices, fund allocation and a host of other issues.It is always important to ensure impartiality, transparency, and expansion of developing countries' representation in human resources allocation.


The Chinese government always attaches great importance to gender equality and women's empowerment. Just two weeks ago,China's State Council adopted China's Program on Women Development (2011-2020),identifying main goals and strategic measures in seven development areas,namely health,education,economy, decision making and governance,social security,environment, and legal affairs.I am confident that the adoption and implementation of the Program will further advance the status as well as rights and interests of women in China.

China has been very supportive of the work of UN-Women.The Chinese delegation has taken an active part in all the work of the Executive Board on institution building during the year, and has played a constructive role.The Chinese delegation will continue to follow closely the implementation of the Strategic Plan and the work of the Executive Board.

Thank you,Ms.President.