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Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Geng Shuang on the Security Council Resolution on Haiti

2022-10-21 18:00

Mr. President.

Last Monday, the Security Council discussed the situation of Haiti in this Chamber. Council Members expressed their deep concerns over the severe political, security and humanitarian crisis in Haiti, and stressed the need for a political solution to relieve people's suffering. The Council unanimously called for robust actions to crack down on gangs in Haiti.

Just now, the Security Council unanimously adopted resolution 2653, imposing sanctions on Haitian gangs with measures including travel ban, asset freeze and arms embargo. This resolution translates the Security Council’s consensus on curbing gang violence and criminal activities, protecting the Haitian people and restoring security and social order in Haiti into concrete actions. China welcomes this.

China has always been prudent regarding hasty use or threat of use of sanctions in international relations. However, given the urgency and dire situation in Haiti and the cry of the Haitian people, China took the lead in the Security Council to propose targeted sanctions against gangs in Haiti. Our proposal was supported by other Members and regional countries. We appreciate the United States and Mexico, as co-penholders, for preparing the draft resolution and accommodating the views of other Members so as to improve on the text. We also commend other members for their keen and responsible attitude during the consultation. With our joint efforts, this resolution has been adopted based on consensus.

We hope that resolution 2653 will send a clear message to the gangs in Haiti in urging them to immediately stop evil doing and killing, and stop damaging the country's economic, social and security foundation. We hope that resolution 2653 will send a clear message to the political parties in Haiti in requesting them to immediately stop collusion with gangs, to stop fighting for the self-interests of parties, to put the interest of country and people first and reach a consensus on political structure and transition arrangements without delay. We also hope that resolution 2653 will send a clear message to the Haitian people, showing that the Security Council are paying close attention o their suffering and will do its utmost to help them to root out the scourge of gang violence and shake off their oppressive slumber .

Mr. President,

Haiti is on the brink of collapse and is in dire need of international help. After the adoption of resolution 2653, the Security Council will continue to follow the development in Haiti. We hope that in our future discussion on Haiti, the spirit of full consultation and unity can be upheld, the principle of result-oriented and practical solution will be insisted, careful consideration and prudent decision-making can be followed through. China is ready to play an active and constructive role in this connection.

Thank you, Mr. President.

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