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Statement of Ambassador Wang Min, Deputy Permanent Representative of China, at the Second Committee of the 68th GA under Item 24: Operational Activities for Development

2013-10-14 06:11

Photo by Niu Xiaolei/Xinhua News Agency 

Mr. Chairman,

The Chinese delegation wishes to thank the Secretary General for the report submitted under this agenda item. China aligns itself with the statement made by Fiji on behalf of the G-77 and China.

Mr. Chairman,

At its 67th session, the General Assembly adopted resolution 67/226 on the quadrennial comprehensive policy review of the UN operational activities for development, which laid out clear requirements for the work of the development system and agencies, and pointed out the direction for their efforts. The UN development system and agencies should fully implement the provisions of the resolution, maintain the essential features of UN operational activities for development and their universal, voluntary, gratuitous and multilateral nature, and respect the program countries' ownership and leadership of their own development. They should remain committed to the implementation of the MDGs, focus on development and eradication of poverty, strengthen governance and improve efficiency so as to provide effective assistance to developing countries in their efforts for sustainable development. In this connection, the Chinese delegation wishes to highlight the following,

I. On the core issues of the development agenda

Poverty eradication constitutes the greatest global challenge and a critical piece in the achievement of sustainable development by developing countries. The UN development system should maintain as its central priority realizing poverty eradication through enhancing the developing countries' own capacity of development. The Chinese delegation appreciates the efforts of the UN development system and agencies to implement the resolution on QCPR and the designation of assistance to developing countries in poverty eradication as a general goal of the strategic plan. We hope that they continue to strengthen the relevance of project designation and implementation to this goal. We believe that poverty eradication should remain the center of the post 2015 development agenda.

II. On the issue of overall resources and their structure

Adequate resources and a rational resource structure are of critical importance for the achievement of internationally agreed development goals including the MDGs. Donors of development assistance should endeavor to improve the UN's financing for development by increasing the quantity of core resources and improving the quality of non-core resources. Developed countries should bear the primary responsibility for financing for development, honor their ODA commitment and increase assistance to developing countries.

III. On the functioning of the development system

Improving the management and functioning of the UN development system will make the delivery of projects more effective and more targeted, thus providing effective support for the development of program countries. The formulation and implementation of the UN framework for development assistance should be based on the principle of "national ownership and leadership" and take care to ensure the alignment of aid programs with the recipient countries' national development strategies and priority areas. The drafting, finalization and implementation of the framework should be more efficient and flexible to better adapt to the specific situations of recipient countries. In the meantime, the UN development system and agencies should find more ways and means to enhance coordination and efficiency so that assistance provided can better meet the specific needs of recipient countries instead of following a cookie cutter approach.

IV. On South-South cooperation

South-South cooperation is an important avenue for developing countries to utilize their respective comparative advantages, support each other in solidarity and strengthen cohesion in pursuit of common development. As a supplement to rather than the replacement of North-South cooperation, it should not weaken or dilute the main role and status of North- South cooperation. The UN development system should provide necessary policy and financial support for South-South cooperation, explore innovative thinking and modalities and give further support to the UN office for South-South cooperation.

Mr. Chairman,

The Millennium Development Goals embody the solemn commitment of all countries to promote development. The Chinese government has always attached great importance to development and has made the achievement of the MDGs an organic part of its comprehensive development strategy. China is dedicated to a balanced socioeconomic development in harmony with ecological environment. As a major developing country, China has always, in the spirit of solidarity and mutual support, pursued a strategy of openness and mutual benefit aimed at achieving win-win results. Within the framework of South-South cooperation, China has provided assistance to other developing countries to the best of its capabilities as its contribution to common development. Since 2000, China has provided assistance to more than 120 developing countries within the framework of South-South cooperation. During his visit to Africa last March, President Xi JinPing announced a series of new measures to support African development. The Chinese government will continue to participate constructively in international cooperation for development within the framework of South-South cooperation. China is also ready to join other countries and the UN development system in exploring further ways and means to strengthen South-South cooperation and triangular cooperation, thus contributing to the accelerated achievement of the MDGs in developing countries.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

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