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Statement by Ambassador Zhang Yishan at Security Council's Open Briefing on HIV/AIDS

2005-07-18 00:00

At the outset, I wish to thank Under-Secretary-General Guehenno and Executive Director Piot for their comprehensive briefings. I wish also to thank the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) for its report on the subject of this agenda item. The briefings helped us to understand the status of the international community's implementation of resolution 1308 (2000) over the past five years. The recommendations put forward are highly enlightening and deserve serious consideration by the Security Council.

In recent years, the international community has been increasingly concerned about the issue of HIV/AIDS, particularly its disastrous affects. AIDS has not only constituted a major threat to human life and health, but has also seriously affected the economic development and social stability of the countries and regions concerned. Thus it has become one of the most important non-traditional security issues. The Security Council, in accordance with its mandate, has therefore been devoting increased attention to the issue of peacekeepers and HIV/AIDS and to the impact of AIDS on peace and security.

China welcomes the series of measures undertaken by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO), in accordance with the relevant Security Council resolutions, aimed at improving HIV/AIDS awareness programmes for peacekeepers, establishing the post of HIV/AIDS policy adviser and revising the code of conduct for peacekeepers. We believe that all those measures will serve to protect the safety of peacekeepers and to ensure the smooth conduct of peacekeeping missions. Over the years, UNAIDS has undertaken many positive efforts, has contributed to international efforts and has played an important role in coordinating with and assisting United Nations missions in preventing HIV/AIDS in peacekeeping operations. China welcomes all those measures and hopes that DPKO can continue its active coordination and cooperation with UNAIDS and other international organizations.

China supports the draft presidential statement submitted by the Greek delegation and wishes to thank Greece for its efforts in that regard.

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