Statement by H.E. Ambassador Liu Zhenmin, Deputy Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, at the Third Committee of the 63rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly under the items on Drug Control and Crime Prevention |
2008-10-09 16:24 |
New York, 9 October 2008 Mr. Chairman, At the outset, please allow me, on behalf of the Chinese delegation, congratulate you on your election as the chairman of our committee for this session. I am convinced that under the guidance of you and other members of the bureau, our work at this session will be crowned with success. Mr. Chairman, The international community, through its relentless efforts over a long period of time, has made some headway in world drug control. Nevertheless, the achievements made in banning poppy cultivation in the "golden triangle" of Southeast Asia are fragile; drug is becoming an ever growing menace in the "golden crescent"; new types of drugs like methamphetamine are spreading rapidly; the problem of the outflow of precursor chemicals remains acute and drug related crimes are becoming increasingly internationalized and organized. In a word, global drug control remains a complex and daunting task. The appropriated solution of the problem of drugs can be realized only through efforts of governments, and above all those of the international community. This year commemorates the tenth anniversary of the UN Special Session on Drugs held in 1998. The international community should take this opportunity to further rally the political will for cooperation in combating drug related crimes. The developed countries should have the courage to take on greater responsibilities and provide more assistance in terms of funds, technology and training to the developing countries on the basis of respect for the wish of the latter, with a view to helping with their capacity building. It is also necessary to increase financial and technical support to countries in the "golden triangle" area in order to consolidate the achievements in banning poppy cultivation that only came about after so much work. China wishes to express its appreciations to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime and to the International Narcotics Control Board for their efforts in raising funds for technical assistance, optimizing the usage of funds and enhancing their capacity for external technical assistance, all with a view to strengthening international cooperation in drug control. We encourage the UN Office of Drugs and Crime to continue to strengthen dialogue and consultations with donors, recipient states and other countries and institutions concerned. Next year marks the centennial of the convening of the International Opium Commission which was held in Shanghai in Feb. 1909. China welcomes the adoption of the commemorative resolution by the 51st session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs. Mr. Chairman, The Chinese government has always stood for complete drug control. Taking the eradication of drugs as the ultimate goal, we have formulated an integrated, comprehensive and balanced national strategy on drug control and have taken multiple intervention measures including preventive education, voluntary detoxing, compulsory detoxing, rehabilitation through physical labor and training in livelihood skills. All departments of the government and the society as a whole have been mobilized to take part in combating drugs and remarkable results have been achieved. In June this year, the Chinese government promulgated the Narcotics Control Law, which will give further impetus to China's efforts in drug control. The Chinese government attaches great importance to and actively participates in international and regional cooperation mechanisms for combating drug-related crimes such as the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs, East Asia Sub-regional MOU on Drug Control and the Paris Pact. We have worked actively to assist countries like Myanmar in alternative crops cultivation and have deepened on a continuous basis bilateral cooperation in drug control with countries in Europe and North America. My government will continue to take effective measures to strengthen cooperation with other countries of the world and relevant international organizations and continue to work relentlessly towards an early eradication of the scourge of drugs. Mr. Chairman, In addition to drugs, other transnational organized crimes like corruption, money laundering, terrorism and human trafficking also pose ever greater threats to the international community. The entering into force of the Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the Convention against Corruption have provided the international community with a legal basis for carrying out global cooperation and have given great impetus to the exchange and cooperation among states in combating transnational crimes. Currently, various convention regimes are being improved as they are gradually put into place and successful practices of countries in convention implementation are further substantiating the content of the two conventions. We find all these developments encouraging. At the same time, however, the diverse and global characteristics of transnational crimes are becoming more and more salient; and we still have a long way to go in institutional and capacity building in preventing and combating transnational crimes. Mr. Chairman, Prevention of and fight against transnational crimes requires systemic and coordinated efforts. Therefore, it cannot be achieved by any one country alone. In the view of the Chinese delegation, countries should effectively show political will and, on the basis of mutual respect for sorvereignty, equality and mutual benefit, tap the potential of the two conventions in areas such as extradition, judicial assistance, return of assets and technical assistance. The negotiations on a comprehensive counter terrorism convention should be expedited. In international cooperation, priority should be given to meeting the need of the developing countries and providing assistance to them in capacity building with no strings attached. China supports the UN Office on Drugs and Crime and the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice to continue to play an important role in promoting international cooperation in combating transnational organized crime and helping the developing countries enhance capacity building, and we support the UN in continuing to promote the implementation of the Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking. The 12th. Session of the United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice will be held in Salvador, Brazil in 2010. The Chinese delegation calls on the international community to initiate relevant preparations as early as possible. Mr. Chairman, The Chinese government has been working actively and conscientiously for the comprehensive implementation of its treaty obligations under the Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the Convention against Corruption. We have taken necessary legislative, administrative and judicial measures to improve domestic legislation, strengthen law enforcement and engage in active international cooperation. On January 1, 2007, the Anti-money Laundering Law of the People's Republic of China entered into force, which established a national monitoring and management mechanism in combating money laundering. In June, 2007, China became a formal member of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). My government formulated the National Plan of Action against Trafficking in Women and Children in Dec. 2007, thus establishing our national mechanism in combating human trafficking. Right now, we are actively considering joining the Protocol on Human Trafficking. To date, the Chinese government has signed with 58 countries 102 treaties in the field of judicial assistance, 79 of which have already come into effect. China is willing to strengthen exchanges, share experience and deepen cooperation with more countries and with the UN with a view to working together to promote international cooperation in preventing and combating transnational organized crimes. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.