Statement by Ms. Zhang Dan, Counsellor of the Chinese Delegation, at the 3rd Committee of the 63rd Session of the General Assembly, on the Report of the Human Rights Council |
2008-10-30 17:46 |
New York, 30 October 2008 Mr. Chairman, The Chinese Delegation thanks the president of the Human Rights Council for his introduction to the report of the Council and would like to express its appreciation to him for his efforts to ensure the successful operation of the work of the Council. The Human Rights Council is an important achievement of the UN reform. Since the beginning of this year, with the task of rules-setting and institution-building basically completed, the main mechanisms of the Council, such as the Universal Periodic Review, the Special Procedures on human rights, and the Advisory Committee, have all started substantive work. The Council's operation in all areas has got on track and produced initial results. It is the expectation of all sides that the Council will operate in a fair, just and objective manner and that various mechanisms of the Council will achieve abundant results. Mr. Chairman, Human rights are inseparable from peace and development. Poverty, famine, disease, and conflicts remain the main obstacles to people's enjoyment of human rights in many countries. Such issues as financial, food, and oil crises as well as climate change constitute new threats to the promotion and protection of human rights. As the main UN body in charge of human rights affairs, the Human Rights Council should thoroughly discard the various flaws afflicting its predecessor, the Commission on Human Rights, and carefully handle the responsibilities and challenges of today's world by means of cooperation. The Chinese Delegation hopes that the Council will always work in the mode of dialogue on equal footing, respect and heed different views, so as to increase mutual understanding among different sides through dialogue and seek common grounds while putting aside differences. We also hope that the Council will always adhere to the principle of harmonious and inclusive cooperation, eliminate disruptive effects of politicization, selectivity, and double standards, facilitate the smooth settlement of various human rights issues and promote the inclusive coexistence of different conceptions of human rights, all with a view to advancing the cause of human rights in all countries. We believe that so long as all sides remain engaged in equal and constructive discussions of human rights issues via dialogue and cooperation, the Council will not fail to live up to the ardent expectations of the international community and will be able to completely fulfill the mandate given to it by the General Assembly. Mr. Chairman, As a member of the Human Rights Council, China always attaches importance to the promotion, protection, and vigorous development of human rights at home. Moreover, it has been performing the duties as a member of the Council in a conscientious and responsible way. We provided support to the work of the President of the Council, actively participated in the operation of various human rights mechanisms and in the discussions of human rights topics, and worked hard to promote international dialogue and cooperation in the field of human rights. Last year, China served as the coordinator of the Asian Group at the Council and contributed with practical action to the maintenance of impartiality, fairness, and objectivity of the Council and to the functioning of various mechanisms. The promotion and protection of human rights is a long-term and difficult task for all countries. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Chinese government will continue to adhere to the spirit and objectives advocated by the Declaration and join other countries in working tirelessly towards the noble goal of promoting and protecting human rights. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.