Statement by Counselor La Yifan of the Chinese Delegation, at 3rd Committee of 60th UNGA Session on Elimination of Racism and Right to Self-determination (Item 69, 70) |
2005-11-07 00:00 |
The Chinese delegation would like to concur with the statement made by the representative of Jamaica on behalf of the Group 77 & China. Racism is a form of grave violation of human rights. It is also one of the sources leading to discrimination, poverty and armed conflicts. It is a challenge confronting all members of the international community. Up to date, the United Nations has held three world conferences against racism, and has launched for three consecutive years "UN decade to combat racism and racial discrimination". The Durban Declaration and Program of Action adopted at the 2001 World Conference Against Racism is a pivotal document for the international community in combating racism. At the national level, governments should act in the spirit of this document and on the basis of national conditions, adopt measures aimed at removing the traditional sources of racism, and guard against modern forms of racism and racial discrimination. At the international level, the United Nations should coordinate the implementation of Durban Declaration and Program of Action, and actively support the work of the Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on the Implementation of the Durban DPOA. We are glad to note that the Secretary-General's report (A/60/307) on implementing Durban Declaration and Program of Action has shown us what anti-racist measures the United Nations, the Member States and NGOs have taken. The Chinese delegation has studied attentively the report (A/60/283) submitted to the current session by Mr. Diene, the Special Rapporteur on Racism of the Commission on Human Rights. We have taken note of the in-depth studies on the issue of racism done by Mr. Diene in his capacity as the special rapporteur. It is of special value for the rapporteur to reflect, based on the relevant resolutions adopted at the CHR 61st session, the rising tendency of hostility in some countries and societies against Islamic religion and new Nazi and extreme rightist forces. His analysis based on field trips to countries calls for deep thought. The report also contains useful elements on treatment at waiting zones received by foreigners, asylum seekers, refugees and migrants, and on rising racism and other intolerances in sports. We appreciate all these efforts made by the rapporteur. Mr. Chairman, The right to self-determination is an important human right. It forms the foundation and premise for the realization of all other human rights and fundamental freedoms. The Chinese delegation supports the Palestinian people in their just struggle for the right to self-determination. We hope that the international community will make joint efforts for an early, fair and reasonable solution to the Palestinian issue, so as to bring lasting peace to the Middle East. The right to self-determination was originally advocated in the context of combating colonialism and foreign aggression, occupation and oppression. Respect for state sovereignty, territorial integrity and right to self-determination is a fundamental principle of the international law. Only by comprehensively adhering to the UN Charter and the principles of the international law, can people of all countries enjoy peace, development and human rights. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |