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Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Zhang Jun on the UN Security Council Resolution Extending the Mandate of MINURSO

2023-10-30 17:00

Mr. President,

Over the years, MINURSO has diligently fulfilled its Council mandate and made positive contributions to maintaining stability in Western Sahara and promoting a political settlement. The resolution just adopted shows the Council's determination to support the Mission in the performance of its duties and to resolve politically the question of Western Sahara. China is pleased to see the positive progress made in MINURSO’s logistical support, and hopes that relevant parties will continue to strengthen communication and cooperation with the Mission in accordance with Council resolutions to enable the Mission to deliver on its mandate.

China's position on the question of Western Sahara is consistent and clear. China supports a just and lasting solution acceptable to all parties reached through consultations among parties as equals on the basis of the relevant Council resolutions. China supports the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General in continuing to step up mediation efforts for further progress in the political process on the basis of an in-depth understanding of the concerns of the parties.

It is China's hope that future Council discussions on the resolutions on MINURSO’s mandate can reflect the latest changes of the situation. We also hope that the penholder can facilitate full consultations of the Council to garner broader consensus.

Thank you, Mr. President.

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