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Statement by Ms. XU Jing of the Chinese Delegation at the Third Committee of the 64th Session of the General Assembly at the Dialogue with the High Commissioner for Human Rights

2009-10-21 16:00

New York, 21 October 2009

Mr. Chairman,

Madam Higher Commissioner,

China welcomes this dialogue between the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Third Committee and thanks the High Commissioner for her report.

In view of the impact of the current global financial crisis, it has become all the more urgent to eradicate poverty, realize the right to development and protect economic, social and cultural rights. Although there is no hierarchical difference between civil and political rights and economic, social and cultural rights, yet in practice, the former enjoy higher attention and focus whereas the latter are wittingly or unwittingly neglected. Under the current circumstances, China hopes that the Office of the OHCHR and the Human Rights Council could pay real attention to the promotion and protection of economic, social and cultural rights as well as the right to development and take practical measures to advance the implementation of the MDGs. China would like to know the High Commissioner's ideas and plans in this regard.

Last April, the Durban Review Conference was successfully held in Geneva, injecting new vitality into the international fight against racism. The OHCHR implemented in earnest the relevant resolutions of the Preparatory Committee of the Conference, coordinated the preparations for regional Preparatory Committees, and provided sound technical support to the Review Conference. China wishes to place on record its appreciation for these efforts. On implementing the Outcome Document of the Durban Review Conference, we hope that the OHCHR will strengthen coordination with the Human Rights Council. Could the High Commissioner kindly share with us her considerations on the implementation of the Outcome Document?

In 2010, the Human Rights Council, almost five years since its inception, will start a discussion on the review of its status. The Council may wish to consider improving and strengthening its supervision over and guidance to the work of the OHCHR. It is worth pointing out that neutrality, objectivity and impartiality represent the fundamental principles that the Office must adhere to. Strict compliance with the mandate given by the General Assembly constitutes the prerequisite of its work. OHCHR should endeavor to promote international cooperation, strengthen human rights dialogue and avoid confrontation.

While noting the Office’s efforts to diversify the composition of its staff, we are nevertheless concerned with the lack of fundamental solution to the imbalance in the geographical representation of the staff for years. In this connection, we welcome the Second Follow-up Report to the Management Review of the OHCHR by the JIU. We hope that the OHCHR will, as requested by the Report, take practical measures to implement the relevant recommendations, formulate goals and timelines for improvement and produce concrete results, and report in a timely manner to the Human Rights Council on the progress.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


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