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Statement by H.E. Mr. Li Baodong, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, at Security Council open debate entitled Maintenance of international peace and security: the interdependence between security and development

2011-02-11 23:02

 (Feburary 11, 2011)

At the outset, I wish to thank Brazil for its initiative to convene this open debate on the important issue of the interdependence between security and development. I welcome the presence of His Excellency Foreign Minister Patriota in the Council Chamber to preside over this meeting.

I thank Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Ambassador Gasana, Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC), and Ms. Cliffe, SpecialRepresentative of the World Bank, for their statements.

Security and development are interlinked andmutually reinforcing. Security is a prerequisite fordevelopment, and development is possible only in apeaceful and stable environment. Development is aguarantee of security. Sustainable peace is possibleonly through the maintenance of developmentmomentum. The maintenance of peace and thepromotion of development are important, Charter-driven mandates of the United Nations. The SecurityCouncil must attach great importance to the nexusbetween security and development. I wish toemphasize the following five points.

First, we must increase input into developmentand eradicate the sources of conflict. Poverty andunderdevelopment are the major root causes thattrigger conflict and breed terrorism. The internationalcommunity, and the United Nations in particular, mustplace greater emphasize on promoting the internationaldevelopment agenda. Developed countries must furtherincrease their development assistance, provide debtrelief to developing countries, open their markets,transfer technology, and help developing countries toachieve the Millennium Development Goals as soon aspossible.

Secondly, development must be anchored inenvironments free of war and turbulence. The UnitedNations and the Security Council should vigourously promote the culture of peace and encourage andsupport the peaceful settlement of disputes throughdialogue, consultation, good offices and mediation. Theuse or threat of use of force must be avoided ininternational relations.

Thirdly, greater emphasis must be placed onpeacebuilding so as to prevent relapses into conflict. Inpost-conflict countries or regions, progress must bemade simultaneously on the political, security anddevelopment fronts throughout the development andreconstruction process. Capacity-building efforts mustbe expedited in post-conflict countries in order toenhance governance, provide basic services andadvance development and reconstruction so that thepopulation can enjoy peace dividends at the earliestopportunity. That will help to consolidate the politicalreconciliation process and to stabilize post-conflictsituations. United Nations peacekeeping operations canmake greater contributions to early recovery,development and reconstruction.

Fourthly, relevant United Nations agencies andinternational organizations responsible for security anddevelopment must enhance their coordination and formsynergies. The Security Council has the primaryresponsibility for the maintenance of internationalpeace and security, but in strengthening peacebuilding and development the PBC, the United Nationsdevelopment agencies and the Bretton Woodsinstitutions must play their roles to the full.

Fifthly, the United Nations and the SecurityCouncil should pay greater attention to Africa. Seventyper cent of the items on the Council’s agenda involveAfrica. The interconnections between peace anddevelopment are most pronounced in Africa. There canbe no international prosperity or stability without peaceand development in Africa. The internationalcommunity must provide greater support to Africa’sdevelopment and greater assistance to individualAfrican countries, the African Union and other regionaland subregional organizations in order to maintainpeace and security in Africa.

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