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The 2231 Format (the Iranian nuclear issue) of the Security Council
Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540(2004)
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Disarmament Webpage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China
Website of the Permanent Mission of China to the UN Office at Geneva
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Statements & Documents
Children's Rights
Statement by Ms. SHAO Wu of the Chinese Delegation on the Agenda Item "Rights of Children" during the Third Committee of the 72nd Session of the General Assembly
Statement by Ambassador Liu Jieyi at the Briefing on "Every Woman, Every Child"
Statement by Ambassador WANG Min of the Permanent Mission of China to the U.N. at the Second 2014 Regular Session of UNICEF Executive Board on the remarks by the Executive Director
Statement by Mr. Zhang Guixuan of the Chinese Delegation at the Third Committee of the 68th Session of the General Assembly on the Rights of the Child (Agenda Item 65)
Statement by Ambassador Wang Min on the Annual Report of the Executive Director of UNICEF
Statement by Ms. MAN Anting of the Chinese Delegation at the Third Committee of the 67th Session of the General Assembly on the Rights of the Child (Agenda Item 66)
Statement by Ambassador Wang Min, Deputy Permanent Representative of China at the 2012 Annual Session of UNICEF on the Annual Report of the Executive Director
Statement by Ms. MAN Anting of the Chinese Delegation at the Third Committee of the 66th Session of the General Assembly on Rights of the Child (Agenda Item 65)
Statement by Ms. ZHANG Dan, Counsellor & Deputy Representative of the Chinese Delegation,at the Third Committee of the 65th Session of the General Assembly on the Rights of the Child (Item 64)
Statement by Ms. GUO Xiaomei of the Chinese Delegation at 3rd Committee of UNGA 61st Session on the Agenda Item of Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Children (Item 62)
Statement by Ms. Tian Ni, Adviser to the Chinese Delegation, at 3rd Committee of UNGA 60th Session on the Rights of Children (Item 69)
Speech by the Chinese Delegate at Roundtable 2: "Education and Literacy" of the Preparatory Meeting for the 2005 High-Level Segment
Statement by Mr. Sun Jin of the Chinese Delegation at 3rd Committee of UNGA 59th Session on the Rights of the Child (Item 103)
Statement by State Councilor Mme. Wu Yi, Head of the Chinese Delegation at the Twenty-Seventh Special Session of the General Assembly on Children
Statement by Mr. LI Baodong, Alternate Representative of the Chinese Delegation, on Rights of the Child (Item 13) at the 58th Session of the Commission on Human Rights (Geneva)
Statement by Ms. Yang Yi of the Chinese Delegation on the Rights of the Child (Item 115) at the Third Committee of the 56th UNGA
Statement by Ms. Yang Yi of the Chinese Delegation on the Rights of the Child (Item 115) at the Third Committee of the 56th UNGA
Statement By Mme. Gu Xiulian, Deputy Chairman of the National Working Committee on Children and Women of the State Council of the People's Republic of China At The Third substantive session of the Preparatory Committee For The Special Session of the General Assembly on Children
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