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Ambassador FU Cong, PR
Ambassador GENG Shuang, DPR
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Legal Affairs and Treaties
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Special & Ad Hoc Committees
Law of the Sea
Law of the Sea
Opening Remarks by Ambassador Zhang Jun at the webinar on the theme of “Promoting the Sustainable Development: A Perspective from the Modern Law of the Sea”(2022-07-15)
Remarks by Ambassador Geng Shuang at the 31st Meeting of States Parties to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea in response to Japan's statement regarding the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water issue(2021-06-25)
Geng Shuang: Japan should handle the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water issue prudently in an open and transparent manner(2021-06-23)
The Statement by Ambassador Geng Shuang at the 31st Meeting of States Parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea(2021-06-23)
Statement by Ambassador Wu Haitao At the 74th Session of the United Nations General Assembly on Oceans and the Law of the Sea(2019-12-10)
Statement by Ambassador Wu Haitao at the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly on Agenda Item 78 "Oceans and the Law of the Sea"(2018-12-11)
Statement by Ambassador Wu Haitao, Head of Chinese Delegation and Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN on Agenda Item "The Report of the Secretary-General" to the 28th Meeting of States Parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea(2018-06-12)
Statement by Ambassador WU Haitao under Agenda Item 77: Oceans and Law of the Sea at the 72nd Session of the General Assembly(2017-12-05)
Statement by Ambassador Wu Haitao at the 27th Meeting of States Parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea under Agenda Item: Report of the Secretary General(2017-06-15)
Statement II by Counsellor LI Yongsheng of the Chinese Delegation at the Preparatory Meeting of the UN Ocean Conference(2017-02-15)
Statement by Counsellor LI Yongsheng of the Chinese Delegation at the Preparatory Meeting of the UN Ocean Conference(2017-02-15)
Statement by Ambassador WU Haitao at the Plenary of the 71st General Assembly under the Agenda Item 73: Oceans and the Law of the Sea(2016-12-07)
Briefing on the South China Sea Arbitration Initiated by the Philippines XU Hong, Director-General of Department of Treaty and Law(2016-05-11)
The South China Sea Arbitration Initiated by the Philippines is a Threat to Peace and Stability in the South China Sea(Part II )(2016-04-30)
The South China Sea Arbitration Initiated by the Philippines is a Threat to Peace and Stability in the South China Sea(Part I)(2016-04-30)
Jurisdiction Award in S.China Sea Case Wrong(2016-04-30)
People's Daily: China is observing international law in the true sense(2015-12-22)
People's Daily: Disregarding facts and jurisprudence, arbitration is neither fair nor just(2015-12-22)
People's Daily: The DOC brooks no distortion(2015-12-22)
People's Daily: China's sovereignty over South China Sea islands brooks no denial(2015-12-22)
People's Daily: Grandstanding cannot cover up illegal moves(2015-12-22)
Statement by Ambassador Wang Min, Deputy Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations at the 70th Session of the General Assembly under the Item "Strengthening of the Coordination of Emergency Humanitarian Assistance of the United Nations"(2015-12-10)
Statement by Mr. LI Yongsheng At the 70th Session of the UN General Assembly On Agenda Item 79 Oceans and the law of the sea(2015-12-08)
Statement by H.E. Ambassador Wang Min, Head of the Chinese Delegation at the 25th Meeting of States Parties to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea(2015-06-12)
Statement by H.E. Ambassador Liu Jieyi at the 69th Session of the UN General Assembly on Agenda Item 74 Oceans and the Law of the Sea(2014-12-09)
Statement by Ambassador Wang Min at the 24th Meeting of the UNCLOS States Parties Under the Agenda Item "Report of the Secretary-General under Article 319 of UNCLOS"(2014-06-13)
Remarks by Head of the Chinese Delegation Ambassador Wang Min at the Meeting in Commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of the Entry into Force of the United Nations Convention(2014-06-09)
The Operation of the HYSY 981 Drilling Rig: Vietnam's Provocation and China's Position(2014-06-08)
Statement by Ambassador Li Baodong at the 67th Session of the UN General Assembly On Agenda Item 75 Oceans and the Law of the Sea(2012-12-11)
Statement by H.E. Ambassador Wang Min At the 22nd Meeting of States Parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea On the Commemoration of the 30th Anniversary of the Opening for Signature of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea(2012-06-08)
Statement by H.E. Ambassador Wang Min, Deputy Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations At the 66th Session of the UN General Assembly On Agenda Item 76: Oceans and the law of the sea(2011-12-06)
Statement by H.E.Ambassador Wang Min Deputy Permanent Representative of China to the UN At the 65th Session of the UN General Assembly On Oceans and the Law of the Sea(2010-12-09)
Statement by Ambassador LIU Zhenmin at the 64th Session of the UN General Assembly on Item 76: Oceans and the law of the sea(2009-12-06)
Statement by H.E. Ambassador LIU Zhenmin, Head of the Chinese Delegation, on agenda item 4 "Adoption of agenda", at the 19th Meeting of States Parties to the UNCLOS(2009-06-22)
China Makes New Contributions to CLCS Trust Fund(2008-12-30)